So much has happened since I lasted popped onto my blog. First, we took our Albinism baby to Jamaica. It was for my husbands sisters wedding, so it was a necessity that terrified me, but went surprisingly well. I was worried she would cry in torture from bright sunshine, get a sunburn, hate the heat, the list goes on. Instead, she seemed to not mind the sunlight at all squinting when she needed, seeking refuge under a UV protected floppy hat, had fun in the shade, and swam in the late afternoon protected by clouds, a full body UV spf 50 swimsuit, and several lathers of SPF 100 sunscreen. She ended up with the runs for most of the trip and whether that was from heat, or different foods (or a pina colada or two) coming through in my milk we will never know, but not even that seemed to phase her. She did great on the 7 hour plane rides through terrible turbulence and slept fairly well in the hap hazard playpen the resort supplied with thick piled blankets in place of a mattress. We spent a lot of the days on our balcony, so we were happy to have a corner bottom floor room where we could chat with our passing familiar guests and enjoy some sunshine while Scottie napped in our room, or we all would hang out there protected from the glaring morning sun. We formed a pretty solid routine of waking up, feeding her breast milk/cereal we packed, lathering sunscreen, getting her in UV protected clothes, and going for breakfast where she would play in the little umbrella stroller we brought (which I would not recommend. Next trip, I will be splurging on a better umbrella stroller where the next baby can lay down for naps instead of always having to go back to the room). After breakfast & visiting we would go back to the room for her morning nap, then we would do the same routine for lunch and a second nap, but by 3pm the sun would start to set and we would take her to the pool for a dip and she loved the water. The time change also helped us out a lot because she could stay up later and come to supper with us which was so nice. All in all I would say the trip was a success even though I am not sure I would take any baby, let alone one with Albinism to an inclusive sunshine destination anytime soon. We kept saying we wish we was old enough to know what presents were because we wanted to spoil her for being so so good the whole time.She was the best little baby ever and the sweetest flower girl there ever was!

I'm so glad it all worked out for you guys!