She loves tummy time. She can be crying and we will put her on her belly and she calms right down. I have to watch her carefully so that she doesn't fall asleep like that, but usually she's very active when she's awake and she's trying so hard to flip over and makes crawling movements.. this girl will be motoring around in no time! Eventually she gets frustrated that she can move like she wants and gets fussy and we have to help her. Her neck is so so strong and she lifts it really well.
This has been her most fussy week by far and everything The Wonder Week app predicts about this week is so true from wanting to feed more, crying more for no reason, only quiet when she's with us, wanting more physical contact. It makes the days hard, but the blessing is that she sleeps almost right through the night getting up only once around 3:30 to eat and half an hour later we're both back to sleep and waking her up at 7am to change her and feed her again and then she naps again in the morning around 8. She is still in her newborn napper next to our bed and I will leave her next to us, but move her to the bigger bassinet as a transition sleeper before her crib. My plan is to have her in her crib by three months if I can let go because I think I'll really miss her.
She takes a Soothie soother every now and then during the day, but she's not dependent on it and I try not to use it too much. She still eats really well and breastfeeding is going so good! The first week was the toughest and I had developed a blister, but after wearing shields and using nipple cream for two weeks everything went away and now I really love it! It's so easy and such great bonding time and it's helping me shed my baby weight.
I'll do posts later this week on my new mom must haves and on fitness/getting my body back post cesarean!
I did Scotlyn's newborn pictures with the help of my mom. The first set of pictures were done when she was about two weeks old and the tutu pictures are when she's one month and I can already see such a difference in her!

She's gorgeous :) and so much more alert now!