It seems to be the time of year after the holidays when we're all a little run down and we need some R&R... that mean's rest & relaxation, not rum and rock n roll, so throw away the remainder of any eggnog you might have stored from Christmas and get ready to get your body ready to beat this winter's blues and flues.
One of my favorite ways to relax and kick a cold is with Barefoot Venus's Mustard Bath. This stuff is an awesome combo of essential oils that boasts anti-inflammatory properties, contains circulatory stimulants and a decongestant that naturally draws impurities from your skin. Its the perfect way to boost your immune system, clear out your chest & nose stuffiness, and relax.
The next thing you're gonna want to have on hand is some variations of Davids tea. My favorites are Secret Weapon for the first signs of a cold or Cold 911 when you literally can't smell, breathe, or taste because it is potent. Or, try this bundle below with everything you need to feel better. Drink this stuff, pick up some grapefruit seed extract and drop some on your toothbrush twice a day, and you'll be feeling fine in no time!
Some say sharing is caring, but during cold seasons sharing anything from a sip of your favorite Frappuccino to your makeup brushes or chapstick might just be the cause of a two week long flu bug, so I'm sorry ladies its the time of year to keep your friends and their gimme gimmes at bay.
If a cold comes in and you're looking as yucky as you feel, fake it til you make it baby. Before bed, reduce eye puffiness by placing tea bags over your eyes, take a hot shower in the AM before work, drink your tea, slap on BB or CC cream depending on if you're a dewy, or matte gal, dig out your real or faux glasses after applying two coats of mascara & keep some chap stick in your back pocket. Now, throw on a bright scarf and convince yourself its mind over matter. If that doesn't work... go back to bed xo